It is foresight.

It is being able to put yourself in the other person's shoes while expressing yourself.

To be able to make the right plan and program.

It is to manage time correctly.

It is to be able to analyze what will come after a sentence that a person utters.

It is knowing how to share tasks with a teammate.

In short, mathematics is life itself. Drama is being able to live the center of life. We, the Focus on Kids family, organize different educational programs, including art, nature, science and music, which are also shaped by mathematics, in our drama lessons. We touch the worlds of our children deeply by including philosophers, painters, musicians, actors and scientists who have written their names in world history in drama activities in which our institution director also actively takes part. With the drama activities held in different languages according to the activities, our children manage to become more self-confident individuals.


We found answers to many questions that we have accumulated in our minds about mathematics for years, during our conversation with a Finnish math teacher named Maarit Rossi, who was shown as an example by Stephen Hawking.

Stephen Hawking explains the importance of mathematics in our lives as follows; ‘If you can understand the language of the universe, it is because of the mathematics of life. Do not forget that the success story of every extraordinary person includes solving the math of life.' Maarit is a teacher who has given mathematics education to all age groups from kindergarten to senior high school. On the first day we got to know this teacher, who made her name known to the world, we found a woman with very colorful and stylish clothes, her eyes shining and her eyes sparkling, while we were waiting for a situation that spoke highly technical subjects and had difficulty in explaining many of the sentences she said. When we asked him for his opinions on mathematics, we got unexpected answers.


It is keeping our minds open from the day we are born until we die. It is observing, making the right plans, trying to understand, trying to explain. It is multidimensional thinking, being able to construct the next process. It is to be able to dream, to love life and everything that belongs to life…

In short, mathematics means life itself.

We, the Focus on Kids family, give mathematics to our children as the meaning of life in drama, music lessons, art lessons, dance and yoga lessons.

Mathematics in life...

Giving math lessons to 5 year old children at the farmer’s market ...

An example from a math class;

By taking our 5-year-old students to the farmer’s market, we divided our children into two groups to sell and buy products practically. The 20-minute process worked as follows;

Asking the price on the counter first, then researching the price on another counter, asking for a discount by negotiating when you decide to buy, then measure the weight on the scale by agreeing on a number, give the money and get the change. To count the remaining money in the pocket and calculate what else to buy accordingly. To calculate which meals could be cooked at school with the materials bought and how many people can feed on these meals. To buy the right product at the right price by analyzing which vegetable one can feed more people.

With this twenty minutes of practice, our children;

In the textbooks for years, "I went to the market today, I had 10 liras in my pocket. I bought 2 kilos of tomatoes for 3 liras per kilo, and how many liras do I have left in total? They developed their ability to think quickly and make quick decisions by calculating mentally without using a pencil. This is how we can explain that adapting the given trainings to life is the key to success in education.

In this way, we can explain that ensuring the adaptation of the given trainings to life is the key to success in education.
